
Checkpoint - 1987

91 min min - Fiction
Number: 28
Show: Saturday 11 November, 13:00, Hagabion Sal 1 | Wednesday 15 November, 18:30, Hagabion Sal 2
Director:  Parviz Sayyad


A busload of College students returning to Michigan from a Canadian field trip is stopped at the US border during the Iranian hostage crisis. The group includes a number of Iranian passengers, divided along ideological lines, whose debates about policy and politics soon lead to a full-scale confrontation.

Collections: EFF-23

Genres: Fiction


Country:  USA
Language:  Persian, English, Subtitles: English

Company Credits

Production Companies: 

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 31 min

Women, The Forgotten Faces of War

Women, The Forgotten Faces of War - 2002

84 min min - Documentary
Number: 26
Show: Monday 13 November, 19:00, Viktoriasalen
Director:  Susan Mujka, Greta Olafsdottir


Filmed in Albania and Kosova over two years, this film takes us where the evening news won't go. Ordinary women relate what it's like to live with the scars of gang rape, the execution of their loved ones, and the terror they lived through during the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. These are real stories of real women and their amazing journeys as they rebuild their lives and begin a healing process in a world turned upside down by war.

Collections: EFF-23

Genres: Documentary


Country:  USA
Language:  English, Albanian, English text

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Bless Bless Productions

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 24 min

Women Talking

Women Talking - 2022

104 min min - Fiction
Number: 18
Show: Sunday 12 November, 19:00, Hagabion Sal 1
Director:  Sarah Polley


The women of an isolated religious community grapple with reconciling their reality with their faith. Through the backstory, we see a community of women come together to figure out how they might move forward together to build a better world for themselves and their children. Stay and fight or leave. They will do nothing.

Collections: EFF-23

Genres: Fiction


Country:  USA
Language:  English, English text

Company Credits

Production Companies: 

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 44 min

The Cat

The Cat - 2020

13 min min - Animation
Number: 17
Show: Monday 13 November, 18:30, Angereds Bio | Tuesday 14 November, 21:00, Hagabion Sal 1 Wednesday 15 November, 18:30, Selma Lagerlöfs Center
Director:  Mary Apick


A little girl is selling flowers - until her world is enveloped by malevolent darkness. She is forced to flee as the world around her is destroyed. This is a parable about life in Iran since the Revolution.

Collections: EFF-23

Genres: Animation


Country:  USA
Language:  English, English text

Company Credits

Production Companies: 

Technical Specs

Runtime:  0 h 13 min

Women Art Revolution

Women Art Revolution - 2010

83 min min - Documentary
Number: 12
Show: Saturday 11 November, 14:30, Viktoriasalen
Director:  Lynn Hershman


Hershman elaborates on the relationship of the Feminist Art Movement to the 1960s anti-war and civil rights movements and explains how historical events, such as the all-male protest exhibition against the invasion of Cambodia, sparked the first of many feminist actions against major cultural institutions. The film details major developments in women’s art of the 1970s, including the first feminist art education programs, political organizations and protests, alternative art spaces such as the A.I.R. Gallery and Franklin Furnace in New York, and the Los Angeles Women’s Building, publications such as Chrysalis and Heresies, and landmark exhibitions, performances, and installations of public art that changed the entire direction of art. New ways of thinking about the complexities of gender, race, class, and sexuality evolved. The Guerrilla Girls emerged as the art world's conscience and held academic institutions, galleries, and museums accountable for discrimination practices.

Collections: EFF-23

Genres: Documentary


Country:  USA
Language:  English, English text

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Hotwire Productions

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 23 min

I Am the Revolution

I Am the Revolution - 2018

74 min min - Documentary
Number: 9
Show: Saturday 11 November, 16:30, Viktoriasalen
Director:  Benedetta Argentieri
Writers:  Benedetta Argentieri (co-writer)


The inspiring story of three women risking their lives to incite political, activist, and armed uprisings in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq.

Collections: EFF-23

Genres: Documentary


Country:  USA
Language:  English, Kurdish, Arabic, Dari, Subtitles: English

Company Credits

Production Companies: 

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 14 min


Trust - 2021

11 min min - Fiction
Number: 6
Show: Tuesday 14 November, 21:00, Hagabion Sal 1
Director:  Delara Rasouli


She was a teenager when she went to a family-recommended dentist. Traumatized, she keeps the sexual abuse secret. About 1 in 10 girls under 20 have been forced to engage in sex or perform other sexual acts. Most often, abuse occurs at the hands of someone a child knows and trusts.

Collections: EFF-23

Genres: Fiction


Country:  USA
Language:  Persian, English text

Company Credits

Production Companies: 

Technical Specs

Runtime:  0 h 11 min